Ongoing WDHD Campaigns

Ongoing WDHD Campaigns

World Digestive Health Day: WDHD 2023


Message from the Co-Chairs

Your Digestive Health: A Healthy Gut From the Start

Dear Colleagues,

From birth, the GI tract serves to provide nutrients to our bodies, enhance the immune response, house the intestinal microbiota, and serve as a “second brain” with the brain-gut axis. The dietary needs of the GI tract change from newborn, thru infancy, childhood, and adulthood. The function of the GI tract will be explained and how a healthy diet can promote optimal organ function and a healthy microbiome. Understanding the normal functions of the GI tract and diet will also help identify when to seek GI care for symptoms. There are natural tie ins to prior World Digestive Health Days (WDHD), particularly the 2020 campaign on the gut microbiome and the 2021 campaign on obesity.

World Digestive Health Day is celebrated each year on May 29th with associated events, activities, and initiatives continuing throughout and beyond the campaign year. Through a multi-faceted campaign, WGO will provide simple messages for the general public in order to assist them in understanding the important role of diet in GI health. Multiple informational pieces on the GI tract and a healthy diet are planned and will be distributed worldwide for patients including children, gastroenterologists, primary care providers, and other healthcare professionals.

Through the WDHD 2023 campaign, WGO looks forward to providing a better understanding and recognition of a healthy GI tract, and we invite your participation through educating the public to promote a healthy lifestyle.


Christina Surawicz, MD
Professor Emeritus, Medicine
University of Washington
WDHD 2023 Co-Chair

Carol Semrad, MD
Professor, Medicine
The University of Chicago Medicine
WDHD 2023 Co-Chair